58.9 F
Sunday, May 19, 2024


How much is enough?

Pastor Edloe

Often at offering time in many churches, we quote Malachi 3:10 to encourage members to give. That verse ends with the promise: “See whether I do not open all the windows of heavens for you and empty out a blessing until there is enough.” That said, how much is enough?

We constitute 4.25 percent of the world’s population, yet we control 30% of the world’s wealth, and many of the raw materials we use to grow that wealth come from some of the poorest nations in the world. Not only do we control the wealth, we consume so much more than our fair share of what the world produces. I was astounded a few years ago when I learned that over 80% of the opioid drugs dispensed in the world are dispensed in these United States.

I know that we are experiencing supply chain issues. I know that inflation is raging. However, when there are reports that snow is on the way, we strip the shelves of our grocery and big box stores, yet we throw away 108 billion pounds of food, 40 percent of what we produce, which is enough food to feed the entire world. What is even worse is that in this nation, 11 million children live in food insecure homes, where many go to bed hungry. How much is enough?

COVID-19 gave us time. Yet we failed to take advantage of the additional time we have to spend with family. We failed to slow down enough and have that quiet conversation with God so that we could find out what is happening in our very being. How much of our stuff is enough…

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